Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012

Deep Sea Fishing Lures Are Not Just Bigger and Heavier - An Overview of the Differences

Deep sea fishing lures are not just different in size to fresh water fishing lures but also have other characteristics specific to deep sea fishing. It is extremely important for your success as a fisherman who prefers deep sea fishing to learn which lures to choose, when and why. Many times it can seem like a difficult job when you're confronted with getting to pick a deep sea lure to use.
The facts are that there are some types of lures which work better for catching some types of fish than others. The type you ultimately choose is entirely up to you, but recognizing how to pick the correct one will unquestionably help you catch vastly more fish.
One of the first things that you need to recognize before choosing which deep sea fishing lure you are will use is the size of the fish you are seeking. One of the characteristics of an amateur fisherman is that they do not understand that the size of the fish determines the size of the lure that you should use.
Larger fish demand that you use a larger lure to successfully snare the fish. On the other hand for smaller fish you'll need to use a lure which can fit in it's mouth or you'll fail to hook up even if you manage to get a strike.
Another condition to consider when choosing a deep sea fishing lure is how natural the lure looks and moves in the water. Lures should look like the food your target fish usually likes to eat.
Lures which look completely unrealistic have little chance of catching fish even if sometimes they will try to bite it. However, if you go deep sea fishing with a lure that looks entirely natural then tons of fish will attack it with a very good chance of being caught.
This is another common mistake that amateur fishermen make, using lures that do not look completely realistic. Professionals never make this mistake, they cannot afford to waste their time by not always using realistic looking lures.
The next mistake many amateur fishermen make is to not choose the correct type of line for the the type of lure that you utilize. It seems clear that if you use a heavier lure then you're going to lose it if you don't use a heavier line to support the weight of the lure plus the potential weight of the fish you are pursuing. At the same time, a lighter lure can easily be used on a lighter line without being forced to spend money on one of the heavier lines.
Are you aware that an additional consideration when picking a sea fishing lure is deciding whether or not to use live bait?. There are some lures which have been specifically designed to have live bait attached. These often have special fittings to keep the bait from causing any additional drag or spinning while being trolled or retrieved fast.

Deep Sea Fish Oil - Is it Really the Best Choice For Your Health?

From the facts that I have gathered over the years, yes, it is the best choice. The fish that you get from the deep sea is mostly richer in Omega 3 fatty acids. And if you check the companies website before you buy your oil, you will be able to verify this information.
I always recommend that you check the manufacturers website before buying their oil. This way you can check that the oil is fresh. You check this by verifying that the fish oil is processed close to where the fish are landed. Some oils are bought by the tanker load from overseas, this oil is not always fresh.
While you are at the companies website, check that the oil is higher in DHA than EPA. This is because DHA is used by your brain in huge amounts. DHA literally keeps us sane. You will not suffer from bouts of depression or other emotional disorders, as long as the DHA levels remain normal. It improves our memory and it improves our concentration.
Some companies put out an oil that is higher in EPA than DHA. This is because EPA is cheaper to produce, not because it is better for you. Always go for the oil higher in DHA. And go for deep sea fish oil.
I buy my oil from a company that sources their fish from the cold, deep pristine waters of the Southern Ocean, just off the coast of New Zealand. The fish they process from there is naturally rich in the omega 3 fatty acids DHA and EPA. In that order. I practice what I preach, I use deep sea fish oil.
I almost forgot to mention that the oil you buy should have been processed by molecular distillation to remove the impurities such as lead, mercury and the PCBs and more. Molecular distillation is the only method that removes the deadly PCBs. Please do not forget to check this, while you are at the companies website.

Deep Sea Fish Oils

What is the difference between deep sea fish oils and fish oils? There is not much difference, only the habitat where the fishes are harvested. Fish oils in general are present in fresh and sea water fishes, which includes those fishes living in the deep. Actually deep sea fish oils are harvested in some countries, as the fishes live under icebergs like in Greenland.
Health Benefits
Deep sea fish oils actually makes a healthy heart as it enhances circulatory system, strengthens immune system, gives you flexible joints and a happy disposition. The reason for this is the presence of Omega 3.
University students who are studying and preparing for a challenging examination, omega 3 is a must. If you notice, most educators recommend eating fish diets for students preparing for an exam, because it definitely sharpens your intellectual capacities as it activates your neuron, creating healthy synapses in your brain.
It is also good for maintaining your healthy happy hormones very helpful under stressful situations.
It is also great for pregnant women, as their baby develops the brain and eyes in the womb. It prevents Vitamin A deficiency and the eye disease called xerophthalmia which can prevent blindness. Deep sea fish oils is important for lactating mothers, especially those who are breast feeding their baby regularly. It can also make your skin look young as it repairs your skin internally.
European studies have discovered how deep sea fish oils can help cure even neurological disorders like bipolar, depression, schizophrenia, aggression disorders, dyspraxia and dyslexia! Omega 3 supplements are usually given in manageable doses, as regulated by your medical physician depending on the need of the patient.
The famous Dr. Watkins of Purdue University also discovered how fish oils in general are rich in Vitamin D and how it strengthens your bones even as you aged.The are also helpful for women who are not producing their estrogen hormones naturally.
How about your joints, it can also help you cure your painful rheumatoid arthritis, as it contains rich bone food as well.
Deep sea fish oils coming from sharks have been discovered to contain a chemical preventing cervical cancer, research has to be refined as there are some toxic substances from sharks.
Related Products
Related studies usually comes from Scandinavian countries, Ireland, England and Greenland, as their fishes really lived under deep sea. Pharmaceuticals who concentrated on manufacturing deep sea fish oils capsules worked on identifying specific ailments for specific products. It is good to look for FDA approval and EFP Trademark (Environmentally Friendly Purified).
They chemically mixed it with other natural products which can help in strengthening particular health problems, they are:
First, products targeting joint problems and clearness of mind. Most products with this health problem in mind mixed it with Vitamin E, as this nutrient is also a brain food.
Second, products focusing on cardiac health, are with EPA and high Omega 3 content.
Third, capsules containing Omega 3, EPA, DHA and strawberry flavor content are for children to aid them in their brain and visual development.

Deep Sea Fishing - A 10 Point Article On The Exciting Pastime

There's nothing like deep sea fishing! First, there's the solitude and peace you find when you're out in the ocean with your best buds. Then there's the mental game, the strategy of finding, baiting, and winning the prize. It's a challenge where success can truly change the life of the fisherman. And failure is no failure at all - you've still had hours of peaceful, glorious communion with the mother of nature, the mysterious ocean.
If you're thinking of doing some deep sea fishing, there are a few things you should know before you go:
1. Grow sea legs!
The quickest way to spoil a deep sea fishing adventure is sea sickness. It's a form of motion sickness, dominated by nausea, vomiting, and vertigo. To avoid sea sickness, stay away from the boat fumes. Keep your eyes on the horizon as much as possible, and stay on deck. Below deck, the constant motion can overcome you. If it gets really bad, move to the center of the boat where rolling is at a minimum. Or lie down on your back and close your eyes until you have your bearings. Most of all, breathe lots of fresh air - a substance in abundance on the deck of the boat.
2. Read the sea signs
Birds like seagulls feast on small fishes, as do larger game fishes. So birds are a good indicator that your prey lies below. Watch for floating wood and debris. Small fish find shelter there, so the big guys won't be far away.
3. Snoop for Snook
The Snook is a big fish with a protruding lower jaw and large black stripes running from behind the gills to the tail. They're a strong fish that can grow up to 50 pounds. Ranging in the Western Atlantic from South Carolina to Brazil, snook are a thrill to catch. Live shrimp are the best bait to use when you're deep sea fishing for snook. Look around ledges, posts, and rocks to find this catch.
4. Moon the Crabs
Soft imitation crabs are a great bait during full moons. In nature, that's when they shed their shells, when they're a favorite treat for striped bass.
5. Find the dolphin, find the tuna
Yellowfin tuna often school with dolphins, porpoises, whales, and whale sharks. So if you spot a group of any of these, there are likely to be some tuna nearby. Found in tropical and sub-tropical waters, yellowfin are a prize catch due to their speed and strength. They're a challenging catch that's delicious too.
6. Burn the braid
Deep sea fishers use spiderwire because it's like a spider's web - it's easier to feel when a fish takes the bait. But sometimes, it's hard to cut. If you're having trouble cutting a spiderwire braid, try burning it with the flame of a lighter or match.
7. Seek the reef
The best place to find the best deep sea fish is near a reef. Many coastal cultures get up to 25% of their food from reefs. Reefs are natural nurseries for many ocean species, and wherever the tiny ones live, the big ones search. Another plus is the great diversity of species you'll find near a reef.
8. The Circle Hook
Circle hooks are widely used by deep sea fishers. They're a type of fishing hook that is circular, sharply curved. The circle hook has a greater success rate at hooking fish, and it does less damage to gills and fins. So, if you want to catch and throw back, you're more likely to help your catch survive the adventure.
9. Don't be dragged down by your anchor
Eventually, most deep sea fishing will involve an anchor stuck at the ocean floor or on debris. There are several tricks you can try to retrieve that anchor. Try attaching a float to it, then wait until the tide flow changes direction. It may well float up with the tide. If you're worried about time, an anchor line that is straight up and down is more likely to loose the anchor than one at an angle. If it's really stuck, have everyone aboard move to one end of the boat. Changing the weight distribution may well pull that anchor loose or make it easier to pull up. Finally, it's a good idea to carry an extra anchor. If you have to cut one off to free yourself, you'll have a replacement at hand.
10. Catching bait is catching game
If you're intent on catching your own live bait, remember that you're likely to find game fish in the same area. After all, the big ones will be after the same bait you are.

What Is Sea Fishing On The Solent All About?

Sea fishing is rather different to fishing in ponds. Obviously, the principle is the same - you take a rod, attach the bait, and - hopefully - catch some fish!
Sea fishing is very rewarding. It involves taking a boat out to sea, setting anchor and casting out your rods in the hope of catching fresh saltwater fish. People prefer sea fishing because they enjoy the feeling of sitting on the waves, they prefer the taste of the fish, and they are a fan of the tranquility of being surrounded by nothing but water whilst they indulge in a pass-time that is both fun, relaxing and rewarding.
What Equipment Will I Need?
If you're looking to get involved in Solent fishing, there's certain equipment that needs to be taken. Quite often, companies offering sea fishing trips on the Solent will include any equipment you might need, but its worth knowing what to take:
- Rod and Reel. This goes without saying, as without a rod, you won't catch a fish!
- Bait. Depending on what you hope to catch, bait can vary. Different people going Solent fishing use different bait, and your best option is to discuss the best bait to use with whoever is organizing the sea fishing trips you'll be using,
- Bucket. You don't need this, but it's certainly helpful if you want somewhere to put your fish once they've been caught!
- Cloth. Fish can make your hands very slimy, and as a result it is always useful to have a cloth to wipe your hands with.
- Spares. Remember, accidents sometimes happen. Make sure you have a back up.
Naturally, these are just the basics and you can take a lot more equipment than this, but if you're going to be getting involved in sea fishing trips, make sure you have at least the basics.
What Do I Need To Know Before I Go?
If this is your first time Solent fishing, you might want to speak to the trip organizer for more detailed advice, but just remember a few key points before you go.
Firstly, whilst the Solent is generally a fairly placid mass of water, it is still the sea. The sea can get quite rough, and the weather can be unpredictable. If you are prone to sea-sickness then it might be worth getting some anti-motion-sickness tablets before you go. Secondly, whilst Solent fishing is still close to the shore, remember that you will still be a fair way from land. A good word of advice is to take a first aid kit, as accidents can happen. Thirdly, don't put your expectations too high. If it is your first time voyaging out on sea fishing trips, you might not get the hang of it straight away. Listen to any instructions, follow them as best you can, and just hope for the best. Who knows though - you might be a natural!
How Much Should I Expect To Catch?
If you are an experienced fisherman, you will probably already know what to expect from your trip. But for the sake of the less experienced when it comes to Solent fishing, then it's worth remembering a few things:
- All fishing is unpredictable. If they aren't biting, they simply aren't biting. But on the same not, the opposite is also true: people have reported coming away from just an hour of Solent fishing with enough fish to last a lifetime (well, almost).
- Choose your bait carefully. If you are fishing for mackerel, but using bread as bait, you won't get very far. In fact, the best bait for catching mackerel is, funnily enough, mackerel itself! By far though, the best way to ensure you are using the best bait is to ask the advice of whoever is conducting the trip - they are usually well informed and very experienced.

Deep Sea Fishing Orlando - Its All In The Weight

Whether you fancy deep sea fishing in Orlando or anywhere else in the world, knowing a little about which weights and baits to use can make a huge difference when looking for that big catch.
Certain fish feed at different times of the day, if there is a particular fish that you are hoping to catch, then it is worth finding out what time of the day these fish are most active and timing your deep sea fishing trip to go out at that time of day.
As well as the right time, it is important that you use the right weights to meet the weather conditions.
You can't always tell what is happening with your line once you have cast it out into sea, but you can tell by the surface what kind of current you might expect underneath.
The way your bait moves underwater can also determine whether or not you are likely to get a bite, so using the right weights are important.
There are a number of different weights you can use, and here are just a few to give you an idea what to look out for.
Pear Shaped
Pear shaped weights are the more commonly used weights. These weights are great for normal weather conditions. They allow the bait to move around to help things look more normal to the passer by fish that are looking for a feed. However, these will not be much use in stronger currents.
Grip Leads
Grip leads are great for stronger tides when a Pear shaped weight just isn't strong enough.
Watch Leads
Watch leads are like flat rounded weights which are similar to Pear shaped weights but they won't roll around so hold the bottom of the sea bed better.
Ball Weights
Ball weights are not like the other leads. Ball weights slide onto the rod rather than being tied. As well as being used as normal weights, people also use them to give more weight to

Deep Sea Fishing - What an Adventure?

Many people like fishing as a hobby and they try to expand their knowledge understanding new techniques of fishing. One such highly rated fishing style is deep sea fishing. Earlier people would restrict themselves to only river or lake fishing not venturing too much into the sea. But these days with the advancement of technology and highly equipped tools people love to explore the sea and go deep sea fishing.
Deep sea fishing is thrilling and adventurous; however, remember it is also very dangerous. Many, who have not taken sound advice and proper precautions when they went into the sea, most have lost their lives and some others who are fortunate to get back from the clutches of death, have a sad story to tell. You have to be experienced enough to enjoy this adventure of deep sea fishing. Deep into the ocean you are not playing with small fish, but there are large sharks and whales, dangerous and scary. It is not an easy task to catch a big fish; they have enormous energy to pull you along into the water if you are not capable of handling it.
Whenever you go deep sea fishing, go along with an experienced crew of fishermen and carry all safety and necessary equipments along, stock some fresh water and food for the journey. You have to be patient and wait for hours together before you get lucky to get a fish. Along with food for the crew, make sure you also get some tasty food for the fish; you can easily lure the fish with good food. Try to be careful of sea snakes and electric eels, they too come for the food and finish it up. And it is no point catching them; on the contrary they can be dangerous and poisonous.
Make most of the experience by learning more about angling and luring your fish. There are some tricks to learn and once you learn them you are sure to get back with a fish. When you do not get any catch for hours it can be depressing and tiring. But patience is the key to fishing. Try different baits and lure the fish with different food. Canned food is a good option and fresh food can also work well. Whatever you do make sure you are doing the right thing and are not alone. Ask for advice and help whenever you need it. Deep sea fishing is much more fun when you are back home safe and have enjoyed your fishing experience.
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