Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012

Deep Sea Fish Oils

What is the difference between deep sea fish oils and fish oils? There is not much difference, only the habitat where the fishes are harvested. Fish oils in general are present in fresh and sea water fishes, which includes those fishes living in the deep. Actually deep sea fish oils are harvested in some countries, as the fishes live under icebergs like in Greenland.
Health Benefits
Deep sea fish oils actually makes a healthy heart as it enhances circulatory system, strengthens immune system, gives you flexible joints and a happy disposition. The reason for this is the presence of Omega 3.
University students who are studying and preparing for a challenging examination, omega 3 is a must. If you notice, most educators recommend eating fish diets for students preparing for an exam, because it definitely sharpens your intellectual capacities as it activates your neuron, creating healthy synapses in your brain.
It is also good for maintaining your healthy happy hormones very helpful under stressful situations.
It is also great for pregnant women, as their baby develops the brain and eyes in the womb. It prevents Vitamin A deficiency and the eye disease called xerophthalmia which can prevent blindness. Deep sea fish oils is important for lactating mothers, especially those who are breast feeding their baby regularly. It can also make your skin look young as it repairs your skin internally.
European studies have discovered how deep sea fish oils can help cure even neurological disorders like bipolar, depression, schizophrenia, aggression disorders, dyspraxia and dyslexia! Omega 3 supplements are usually given in manageable doses, as regulated by your medical physician depending on the need of the patient.
The famous Dr. Watkins of Purdue University also discovered how fish oils in general are rich in Vitamin D and how it strengthens your bones even as you aged.The are also helpful for women who are not producing their estrogen hormones naturally.
How about your joints, it can also help you cure your painful rheumatoid arthritis, as it contains rich bone food as well.
Deep sea fish oils coming from sharks have been discovered to contain a chemical preventing cervical cancer, research has to be refined as there are some toxic substances from sharks.
Related Products
Related studies usually comes from Scandinavian countries, Ireland, England and Greenland, as their fishes really lived under deep sea. Pharmaceuticals who concentrated on manufacturing deep sea fish oils capsules worked on identifying specific ailments for specific products. It is good to look for FDA approval and EFP Trademark (Environmentally Friendly Purified).
They chemically mixed it with other natural products which can help in strengthening particular health problems, they are:
First, products targeting joint problems and clearness of mind. Most products with this health problem in mind mixed it with Vitamin E, as this nutrient is also a brain food.
Second, products focusing on cardiac health, are with EPA and high Omega 3 content.
Third, capsules containing Omega 3, EPA, DHA and strawberry flavor content are for children to aid them in their brain and visual development.

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